Though the new Edge is an advanced and secure browser, some users are receiving the fake virus warning through a pop-up when browsing the internet on Edge. Click "About Microsoft Edge" This will open the "About" screen for Edge - it contains some information about Edge and will also cause Edge to check that it's up to date. Allow sites to save and read cookie data (recommended) Block third-party cookies. How to clear cookies on Microsoft Edge for a specific website.The author of the script told me that the script problem is connected to Trusted Zone implementation and to the fact that Edge doesn't pass the authentication cookies to the chat page.

I use Edge chromium as my default browser, and Salesforce has always been consistently fine. To enable or disable cookies, change the Allow sites to save and read cookie data setting. If Microsoft Edge is primary browser in your system and you use it regularly to browse websites, then it should not be a problem to you as Microsoft Edge will open quickly.