*The Internet Channel is now available to download for 0 Wii Points. *Change from Adobe Flash version 7 to Adobe Flash Lite 3.1 (this corresponds to Adobe Flash version 8) The Internet Channel, which allows everyone to easily access and enjoy the Internet, has been updated. Nintendo Wii Update Message North America Only the following buttons are recognized with the key events on first Wii Remote: User may encounter difficulty editing pages with long content due the small text-box.

This patch does not apply to the October 10 version, as it uses IOS34. The MEM2 patch occurs at 0x8060b010 for the trial version, and 0x8063edc8 for the full version. The patches are the same for both versions, but they are applied at different addresses the MEM1 patch occurs at 0x8060af10 for the trial version, and 0x8063ecc8 for the full release.